We’re on a mission to inspire meaningful experiences through connections.
How it works.
Individuals access everything via the Link My Ride app, while organisations manage their groups via our user-friendly web portal.

For Individuals.
How do I create a ride?
Open the app and select the middle plus icon. You will then be guided through these steps and can then publish your ride.
What route files does Link My Ride support?
All rides require a route, which can be GPX file or imported from Strava.
What if I don’t want to include a route?
If you want to create an event that stays in one place, you will still need to upload a .gpx route, but can use one that covers the minimum distance to give you the location.
Can I create an event other than cycling?
Yes, however you will just need to include this information in the event title and description and otherwise progress as you would for a cycling activity.
Can I change the privacy setting for a specific ride?
When setting up a ride you can choose from three general options for privacy that you would like to apply to the ride, plus a Women’s only option for female users. Public means anyone can join your ride. Private means only your followers can join. Stealth means only those who you invite will be able to join. Women’s Only makes the event only visible to female users in the app.
How does the app use my location while protecting my privacy?
Each user as default will have a privacy “fuzzy” 1 km radius around their location at all times. This location will update automatically every time the user opens the app, and remains at their last known location when the app is closed.
Can I opt out of sharing my location?
Yes, you can. If you opt out of location sharing you will not be shown on the map, however this will limit your capabilities when creating rides or finding new rides to join.
For Clubs.
How do I create a club?
Clubs are created on the club portal webpage. This will require dedicated login details. You can find more on setting up a club here: Youtube
How do I create a ride?
Log in to the web portal. Once there, hit create a new ride and follow the steps. For more information check out this video on Youtube
How do I share a link to a ride I’ve created?
When viewing a ride in the web portal, you will see a chain link icon at the top right hand corner of the page. Click this and it will copy a direct URL to the ride which you can share.
How do I upload a liability or insurance waiver to an activity?
Organisations can attach their own waiver document during the ride setup process. Attendees will be presented with this at sign up and required to accept in order to secure a place.
How do I manage my club membership?
Login and head to the members section on the web portal. From here, you can review, accept or decline individual requests to join, or hit “accept all”. The list view shows you information on each member, and allows you to flag or remove individuals should you need to do so.
How do I create a noticeboard post?
The Noticeboard allows you to post pictures, messages and links for your members, for example updates about rides or member benefits such as discounts. On the web portal, open the Noticeboard tab on the left of the screen and click the blue button on the top right of your screen that says “New Notice +”. Remember, for public clubs these posts will be visible to everyone in the app, whereas for private clubs only your members will be able to see them.
How do I notify my club members of any alterations to rides through Link My Ride?
Push notifications are generated automatically when you make changes to an already posted ride.
Can I set a limit to the number of attendees for the ride?
Yes, you can enter a limit for the ride capacity as part of the ride creation process.
What happens when a ride signup is full, is there a waitlist?
When an event has reached its capacity it will show as “RIDE FULL” within the app and stop others from joining. If additional spaces are made available, either by someone selecting to no longer attend, or by you increasing the capacity, it returns to a first come first served basis.
How do I access the list of people who have opted in to share their email with me after a ride?
After a ride has finished you have the ability to download the emails of the attendees who went on your ride, and who opted in to share this data with you. Go to the rides page and click the button that says “previous”. Select the ride you’re looking for. Once you have clicked the ride, select the button “Download CSV” to download a CSV to your computer.
Can I see a map of my members?
Yes, Link My Ride shows a map of the last known location of your members that have opted to share their location. Click on the members tab in the web portal, and then click “map view”. Members show up as blue dots, whilst other clubs display as pink dots.